Use the links below to find the charts and data.

  1. Overview: Ethereum’s initial public sale
  2. 64.1% of presale Ether accounts never accessed before
  3. First 10 mins FOMO when Bitfinex started trading ETH
  4. Eth trading activity is highest at 3 to 4pm (London time)
  5. 250% users online growth for Poloniex YTD
  6. Vitalik's ether holdings timeline
  7. Source of funds of top Digix crowdsale participants
  8. The DAO funding timeline
  9. 3 rockets landing
  10. DAO hack timeline
  11. The DAO hardfork
  12. Refund DAO
  13. ETH and ETC
  14. Whitehat's etc
  15. DAO holders at 1,919,999
  16. Gnosis ICO
  17. Bancor ICO
  18. Status ICO
  19. Bancor changer BNT/ETH
  20. EOS ICO